Jumat, 29 November 2013

Group 3 Second Assigments

 Istiqla and Steviani :

The Policies
Students are required to attend at least 80 percent of the class time (23 classes)  and to actively participate in class instructions.  Students will do four assignments: mid-tern exam, final exam, written assignments, and oral report. The written assignment have to be handed on time, or it will not be considered.
Grading System
1.      Mid-term Exam
It contributes 30% to student’s GPA. There are two sections of mid-term exam: multiple choice and essay.

2.      Final Exam
It contributes 20% to student’s GPA.

3.      Written Assignment
It contributes 30% to student’s GPA.

4.      Oral Report
At the end of semester the student have to do oral report. It concluded 15 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes of Q and A session. It contributes 10% to student’s GPA.

5.      Preparedness/Participation
If the student misses more than four classes, the student will be fail. It contributes 10% to student’s GPA.
1.      A
If the student gets 90% or above that.

2.      B
If the student gets 80% until 89%.

3.      C
If the student gets 70% until 79%.

4.      D
If the student gets 60% until 69%.

5.      E (FAIL)
If the student under 60%.

 Damba and Yenny :

Regarding the sylabus there are two exams :
1.      Mid term
2.      Final exam
The grading sytem are :
·         30 % from Mid exam
·         20 % from Final exam
·         30 % from Written test
·         10% from The oral which is 15 minutes
·         10 % from The participation
The grade are if we get 90% and above we will get A, 80% - 89% we will get B, 70% - 79% we will get C, 60% - 69% we will get D and below that we will get E wich is fail.

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